Sia Partners includes JUMP in its study on leading Front-to-Back solutions for investment management

JUMP, a European investment management software provider, was ranked by Sia Partners as a leading Front-to-Back solution in its study of software solutions for investment management


The study by Sia Partners analysed around 20 European and International software providers dedicated to the investment management industry.   

“This is a great acknowledgement, being recognized as a leader by Sia Partners for our integrated software platform Front-to-Back, which covers the entire investment management value chain.  This study confirms our ability to provide our clients with an innovative solution of superior quality, crucial for investment management players looking to optimize their business processes and tackle any business challenges: consolidation, regulatory compliance, digitalization, alternative management, data management, etc.,” declares Emmanuel Fougeras, CEO of JUMP. 

In 13 years, JUMP’s integrated Front-to-Back software platform has capitalized 350 man-years in R&D and manages more than 500 billion euros in assets each day around the world. 

Sia Partners includes JUMP in its study on leading Front-to-Back solutions for investment management

Read the whole Sia Partners' study : link to the study

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