When it comes to Data Management, players in the Investment Management community are confronted with a multitude of challenges: continuous growth of data volumes, diversification of asset classes, a greater number of data sources, increasingly complex information systems, regulatory constraints, etc.

Pôle Finance Innovation has posted a new article on its blog revealing how the JUMP Data Management Solution is impacting the daily lives of investment managers and enabling them to meet data management challenges. Read the article now.





On April 20th, Manco.Paris, one of JUMP’s partners and a client user of its Front-to-Back platform, hosted an online conference about the many benefits that a Manco can offer to Asset Management companies in France. JUMP took part in the discussion, represented by Alexandre Candaele, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, to highlight the technological challenges that a Manco can overcome with a partner like JUMP.

Did you miss the live stream? Watch the replay now!



JUMP and its client and partner Manco.Paris have taken part in the webinar "A fond les fonds" by Pôle Finance Innovation.

Nowadays, investment managers are constantly facing growth challenges such as:

-              Increasing volumes of transactions and financial data

-              Emerging regulatory constraints

-              Optimizing business unit activity (Front-Middle-Back)

During the webinar "A fonds les fonds", that have taken place on April 9th 2021, the participants were able to learn more about the solutions that can help them to refocus their business teams on high value-added tasks, such as high-level business monitoring and exception handling while optimizing costs and performance.

The online event " A fond les Fonds" by Pôle Finance Innovation has brought together several leading software providers in the Investment Management industry as Ecofi, IZNES, Lunalogic Group, and SuccessData.

JUMP and Manco.Paris were pleased to share their expertise with the audience at this online event.

You have missed the live stream of the webinar "A fond les fonds" ? Then watch the replay now.





We are proud to announce that the first edition of the JUMP Certificate Program is now over. Congratulations to the certified partners:

  They have successfully completed the 3 days training program and have obtained the JUMP Fundamentals certification. During these 3 days, the students have been immersed through theoretical and practical Front-to-Back approaches into the business lines covered by the JUMP solution: Asset Management, Wealth Management, Insurance, and Unit-Linked Insurance.We cannot wait for the next editions of JUMP Certificate Program to be held! Want to join JUMP Academy Certificate Program or have more information on the different certification levels? Then discover our JUMP Certificate Program!




The JUMP Team would like to thank those who participated in JUMP Club U' on March 5, 2021, which took place online, to ensure optimal health and safety conditions for our customers and teams. During this first session of 2021, we were able to demonstrate how the JUMP solution can accompany you in the areas of Compliance and Global Exposure Management.


Compliance within JUMP solution


JUMP Compliance is a flexible, high-performance solution allowing users to automate the control of pre- and post-trade management operations. Thanks to the intuitive rule engine, JUMP Compliance allows you to:

  An introduction to JUMP Compliance  JUMP Compliance, with its ratio control engine, allow you to set all types of controls: regulatory, statutory, customer, prospectus, best internal practice, data quality, and consistency. The following features allow JUMP’s ratio control engine to meet the compliance needs of investment managers:

  JUMP’s ratio control engine JUMP provides its users with a robust Compliance rule designer that meets the central "business" challenges of Middle and Back Office managers, namely: adapting settings to business users, reducing the time-to-market of new Compliance rules, and securing management processes. JUMP's Compliance rule designer simplifies, secures, and accelerates the configuration process. Business teams can increase their reactivity and agility when faced with the implementation of new management rules, for complete coverage of the investment management value chain and all lines of business. An extensive yet expandable module The JUMP Compliance module can be supplemented with features from the JUMP software suite to provide a high-performance investment management experience. Some of these features include:

  The packages and templates available in JUMP Compliance JUMP Compliance offers pre-configured rule packages and templates to best meet the needs of JUMP users. Here are some examples: Regulatory packages:

  Rule templates:

  With JUMP Compliance, you can secure processes by minimizing risk and maintain regular and ongoing controls of your activity.

Manage your Global Exposure with JUMP Technology

  The notion of the commitment calculation approach JUMP allows investment managers to calculate a notion of commitment and Global Exposure for all instruments. This notion of Global Exposure and its value is introduced by Article R. 214-30 Paragraph 1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code: the Global Exposure of UCITS funds or AIFs to derivative instruments should not exceed the net asset value of its portfolio. This results in 2 methods for measuring Global Exposure:

  Global Exposure within JUMP JUMP offers a Global Exposure calculation template based on the commitment calculation approach. This Global Equity Risk  has been implemented in the current version of JUMP and concerns the following features:

  In order to diversify and further develop the calculation of Global Exposure, JUMP has extended the commitment calculation approach and interest rate and exchange rate calculation for the following derivative products:

  JUMP has implemented a dedicated screen that explains each step of the Global Exposure calculation within the clearing system, allowing users to understand which netting arrangements from financial futures are considered for the calculation. Thanks to this screen, it is possible to study asset priority for those assets coming into the clearing, any potential double entry, and the instruments that will leave the clearing system. New JUMP Global Exposure screen This new screen allows users to view the tree structure organization of financial futures and customize the way their commitment calculation approach is carried out. Thanks to the filters on this screen, you can isolate groups of securities for clearer transparency of Global Exposure (filters for hedging instruments, liquid assets) and view the step-by-step details of the commitment calculation, particularly at the underlying level, portfolio sensitivity, concordance factors, etc. All calculation details that can be viewed in this screen allow asset managers to guarantee the accuracy of the Global Exposure calculation. Additionally, it is possible to continually view forward offsets, distribute the assets according to different criteria, and filter these assets. All data within this screen is continuously checked for accuracy and consistency. New allocation methods available In order to measure Global Exposure according to different calculation models, JUMP allows asset managers to apply new allocation methods when calculating Global Exposure.


Despite COVID, our teams remain fully operational and at the service of our customers, not only to support them in their day-to-day operations but also to discuss the major challenges facing the investment management industry. The JUMP team continues to enhance its software suite on an ongoing basis in order to help our customers focus on their core business: investment management. 


As a part of its international expansion ambition, JUMP Technology has defined Marocco as one of its priority strategic markets in order to accelerate its presence in North Africa and throughout the African continent. A market study was led with Morocco’s leading investment management players (Moroccan investment management companies, the ASFIM, local partners, etc.), confirming the ability of the JUMP Front-to-Back platform to cover the needs and specificities of investment managers in Morocco (Moroccan fixed income instruments, regulatory compliance with the AMMC for ratios and reporting, Moroccan OPCVM accounting plans, etc.). 

On Thursday, January 14, 2021, JUMP Technology, in partnership with the ASFIM ("Association des Sociétés et Fonds d'Investissement Marocains"), organized the “JUMP – Front-to-Back Platform for Moroccan Asset Managers” webinar, with a community of participants representing almost 40% of Moroccan investment management companies.

During the webinar, Joseph Bensadoun (Head of Pre-Sales & Customer Success Manager) and Alexandre Candaele (Chief Sales & Marketing Officer) were able to address the following topics:


The webinar was also the occasion to present how the JUMP Front-to-Back platform can address all the challenges of asset managers in Morocco: consolidation, digital transformation, AMMC regulatory compliance, ESG, asset class diversification, etc.

The JUMP team would like to thank all participants for coming and for their interest in the webinar.

If you have questions, are interested in a presentation adapted to your particular business context, or if you were unfortunately unable to attend, click here to contact us.

We will keep you updated about other JUMP events to come.



The entire JUMP team was delighted to (virtually) welcome its software users for JUMP Club U’ on December 17, 2020. During this last session of 2020, we were able to present how the JUMP solution can accompany investment management players in the areas of equity performance attribution, fixed income attribution, and stress tests. 


JUMP EquityPerformance Attribution

As a part of its Front-to-Back platform, JUMP offers an Equity Performance Attribution module based on the Brinson-Fachler method. To aid managers in their decision-making, this module provides users a range of possibilities for precise measurement and analysis of portfolio and investment performance, including: 

  In 2019, JUMP invested several hundred man-days to enhance its Performance Attribution moduleworking in partnership with one of its key customers to expand the existing software, roll out new screens and features, and enhance calculation methods.  JUMP has since integrated this rich and flexible performance attribution module in its Front-to-Back platform, allowing users to carry out detailed analyses of their investment performance. 

JUMP Fixed Income Attribution

To precisely measure fixed income performance, JUMP now offers a Fixed Income Attribution modulebased on the FBAM (Factor-Based Attribution Model) methodThis calculation is based on the portfolio of the Fund Administrator and requires no information concerning instrument cashflow (coupons, redemptions).  This module provides users a multitude of possibilities for precisely analyzing the performance of fixed income investments and portfolios, including: 

  In 2020, JUMP invested several hundred man-days to enhance its Fixed Income Attribution module, working in partnership with one of its key customers.  Users are thus now able to take advantage of powerful calculation and analysis features for fixed income attribution within their JUMP platform.  

JUMP Stress Test 

The JUMP Stress Test is one of the sub-modules within the Risk module of the JUMP Front-to-Back platformIt allows users to: 


  The JUMP Stress Test works in three steps:  

  Because the created stress test scenario can be applied in a proxy, it can be used throughout JUMP to view the health of the portfolio at a future date, potential performance evolution, changes in cash balances, and decreases in cash flows.  Despite COVID, our teams remain fully operational and at the service of our customers, not only to support them in their day-to-day operations but also to discuss the major challenges facing the asset management industry. The JUMP team continues to enhance its software suite on an ongoing basis in order to help our customers focus on their core business: investment management.

We wish you all a happy New Year, and we look forward to seeing you for more JUMP Club U’ sessions.  


The JUMP team would like to thank those who participated in JUMP Club U’ on November 5, 2020, which took place online to ensure optimal health and safety conditions for our customers and teams.

During this edition of JUMP Club U’, we were able to discuss Digital, Data Management and ESG issues, as well as the concrete solutions provided by the JUMP Front-to-Back platform that meet these transformation challenges.

Despite COVID, our teams remain fully operational and at the service of our customers, not only to support them in their day-to-day operations, but also to discuss the major challenges facing the asset management industry.

The JUMP team continues to enhance its software suite on an ongoing basis in order to help our customers remain compliant with their regulatory requirements and focus on their core business: investment management.

We will continue to keep you informed regarding upcoming events and new developments.


JUMP Technology was pleased to be once again partner and sponsor of AGEFI AM Tech Day, for its 11th edition, that took place on Tuesday October, the 13th 2020 at Palais Brongniart in Paris.

It was a huge pleasure for the JUMP's team that was present during the event, including the head of the business development department and the founder of JUMP Emmanuel Fougeras, to meet clients, partners and speakers of different conferences and workshops.

JUMP's team had the opportunity to present through cross-device (PC, digital tablet, and smartphone) its complete and modular Front-to-Back full-web solution (PMS, OMS, Risk, Performance, Compliance, Reporting, Data Management, NAV, Accounting, CRM, etc.) and discuss about the different challenges of the Investment Management industry: Consolidation, ESG and ISR, Data Management, Digitalization, Regulatory Compliance, Front Office enhancement.

The JUMP team continues to enhance its software suite to help investment management companies comply with regulatory requirements and refocus on the core of their activities: the investment management.    

The latest edition of JUMP Club U' was held virtually, in light of the current Covid-19 situation, on June 26, 2020, bringing together twelve companies that use the JUMP Technology software suite.    

This summer edition of JUMP Club U' focused on a regulatory topic of current interest to our clients that are Investment Management Companies, namely SPOT (*) inspections within France’s Financial Markets Regulator, the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers), and more particularly on the subject of compliance with the new MiFID 2 provisions regarding portfolio management for third parties (" discretionary portfolio management").

During this JUMP Club U', we were able to demonstrate how our Front-to-Back solution makes it possible to simplify compliance with SPOT regulatory requirements: client questionnaire compliance, periodic disclosures to the client, transparent and exhaustive communication of ex-ante and ex-post fees, alerts in the event of a fall in portfolio value of more than 10%, information on the potential collection of of management rebates, etc.
